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Client Testimonials

*some names have been changed for privacy

Tell us your Billings story!

We would like real stories from clients who have worked with one of NFP Alberta’s Accredited Teachers.  How has the Billings Ovulation Method® and/or the support of your teacher helped you?  

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    My husband and I had been avoiding intercourse for health reasons, but we were very grateful to find the Billings Ovulation Method (BOM). BOM has allowed us to honour God’s design for marriage by engaging in intercourse once again while still allowing us to avoid pregnancy due to health concerns. We like that BOM is based on research evidence and that it is a simple method of natural family planning (compared to other natural family planning methods). Pavla was knowledgeable, friendly, and relatable. We are grateful for how she walked alongside us to help us interpret the signs of my body with regards to fertility. I would highly recommend BOM to anyone looking for a natural method of birth control and wanting to understand their bodies better. – Monica, Calgary

    Learning about and practicing the Billings Method has given me a lot of insight to understanding my body and menstration cycles. Initially, I was concerned and frustrated that I was having irregular cycles. Now I know better and understand how my body works. – Mia, Calgary

    I completely underestimated Billings. I thought it was obsolete. I can’t believe how much I learned from your presentation. All women should know this stuff! – Mariah, Alberta

    Without you, I feel like I would have gotten pregnant 17 times already. – Diana, USA (distance client)

    I can’t thank you enough! I got so much out of the session. I wish you had been the one who had trained us in the beginning. We have been doing so much abstaining that has been unnecessary. – Peri-Menopause Webinar Participant

    Thank you for hosting the class it was very informative. – Peri-Menopause Webinar Participant

    Jammie has been my Billings coach for 2 years now. She has been very knowledgable and respectful. Jammie is very helpful and makes learning charting more comfortable. – Robyn, Leduc

    Billings has given me knowledge about my body that I never would’ve had otherwise. It allowed me to pinpoint ovulation and I was blessed to conceive very quickly. Billings helps me proceed with confidence in any situation including the post partum and breastfeeding stage when charting gets more unpredictable.  My Billings teacher has been indispensable and is always willing to answer my questions!  Billings truly has been a blessing for my husband and I for the past few years. – Anastasia, Edmonton

    We used CCL’s sympto-thermal method for a few years before our first child and loved it, but found it didn’t give us any infertile days postpartum. I started using Billings with an Alberta teacher at 7.5 months postpartum and with her help was able to find – finally! – a couple safe days after many months of abstaining. Her help was a godsend for our marriage. She gave me so much confidence and trust in days I never would have dreamed of using. I was also amazed at how freeing it is to think about mucus the Billings way and say goodbye to over-analyzing folded toilet paper. We used Billings to postpone pregnancy a couple of months and then to achieve a second pregnancy. To my great surprise, I look forward to postpartum charting this time around. I have great confidence that it’ll be a completely different experience from the beginning than it was with my previous method. This is all because of Billings and our wonderful instructor! -Heather & Nathaniel, Wisconsin, USA (long distance client)

    I’ve been working with one of your teachers for the past 6 months, since the birth of our third baby. We are avoiding pregnancy for now. So far I’ve felt very confident with the method thanks to her thorough teaching, excellent knowledge and experience. I really couldn’t speak any more highly of her and I can see myself using Billings for the rest of our childbearing years. – Stephany, Austria (long distance client)

    I began NFP by learning STM. This method was confusing to me and my husband. Then we looked into Creighton and were even more confused! The added financial burden was a lot as well. I was introduced to an Alberta teacher through an online board we both frequent. She was willing to take me on as a distance client. We began and after a few cycles we established a BIP that helped us to avoid pregnancy for about a year. During this time I had been unable to actually identify ovulation, but utilized the BIP. We eventually got lax in following the rules and were blessed with our first child. Unfortunately, she passed away at 38 weeks. My teacher offered me both emotional support and helped me through the postpartum transition back to fertility. This time I was able to successfully begin identifying ovulation in addition to my BIP. After a year and a few months, hubby and I decided it was time to start trying again for a child. We went two cycles without any luck. I had a follow up with my teacher and after getting a brush up on the rules for conceiving, we found out the following month we were pregnant! Nothing can compare to the trust I have with my instructor or in my method!  I am not scared of the postpartum period as I know she will do an amazing job in navigating me through that time. Thank you so much! – Sabrina, Indianapolis, IN (long distance client)

    We came to Billings after struggling with two other NFP models.  At first we were skeptical that it would work because it seemed too simple to use with complicated cycles.  Over time our confidence in NFP returned, thanks to the patient guidance of our teacher and because of this method.   We’ve avoided pregnancy for 7 years.  It has required less abstinence and less work than the other models did.  – Peter & Marie, Lethbridge

    As a nurse in women’s health, I often have clients asking for “non-hormonal” ways to achieve and/or avoid pregnancy and hear from many women seeking help with their “abnormal” cycles. Western medicine provided few, if any solutions, to this and the answer was often a band-aid solution that didn’t get to the root of the issue. I was already familiar with a few of the NFP methods, but Billings interested me because of the science behind it and the simplicity.  So I chose to take Part 1 of the Instructor Course in hopes of helping my clients. In the process, I learnt how to track my own cycle and realized that I was one who needed the help of the Billings Method! I started working with an instructor who helped me understand what my charts were indicating. I found it incredibly empowering to understand what my body was telling me! Being single at the time, I also found it to be a great opportunity to learn more about my fertility before meeting my future spouse. When I did meet my husband a couple years later, I was able to share this knowledge with him and so we were prepared for the possibility of ‘sub-fertility’ and the need for some medicinal intervention. With the help of the Billings team in Alberta, and their correspondence with Dr. M.Martin in Oklahoma, we conceived (after 5 months)!!!! I am currently 22+ weeks and we are beyond excited! – Elisabeth, Winnipeg, MB (former AB resident)