Become an Accredited Billings Ovulation Method® Teacher

Do you have a desire to educate and empower couples with the knowledge of fertility through the Billings Ovulation Method®?    Consider joining our team of accredited teachers!  Our program adheres to the authentic Teacher Training standards specified by Woomb International.

Suitable candidates for becoming Accredited should be organized, compassionate, personable, and teachable.  A medical background is not required, but it is beneficial. 

Requirements for Accreditation

I. Code of Ethics

Accredited Instructors shall adhere to the Code of Ethics of the Ovulation Method Research and Reference Center in Australia Ltd, WOOMB International, WOOMB Canada, and the Natural Family Planning Association (Alberta)

II. Membership

Remain an active member of the Natural Family Planning Association of Alberta and pay annual dues

III. Basic Teacher Training Course Part One

IV. Basic Teacher Training Course Part Two

V. Final Exam

Accreditation exam to be written after completion of the Part Two Basic Teacher Training Workshop or Session 9 of the Webinar Series. 100% must be achieved before Practicum may begin.

VI. Practicum & Client Case Studies

Demonstrate a satisfactory level of clinical proficiency through Client Case Studies/Practicum phase, under the direct supervision of a Senior Mentor Teacher.   Upon completing all required Case Studies, Trainee must present a Clinical Experience Record documenting all Case Studies.   Each Case Study will be followed for a minimum of 6 months.

*6 months of personal experience with charting & follow up with an Accredited Teacher strongly encouraged. You will learn how to conduct client follow ups best by having been through the process yourself. This can begin after Part 1 if you have never been a Billings Ovulation Method® client.

An approved training upgrade or workshop session must be attended every 3 years, in addition to active teaching, in order to maintain Accreditation.   

Contact us and let us know of your interest in becoming Accredited, so we can notify you of upcoming Teacher Training Workshops!