Natural Family Planning Association of Alberta

Teaching the most heavily researched natural fertility management system in the world.

Billings Ovulation Method®

The Billings Ovulation Method® is a form of natural fertility awareness and is trusted by millions around the world. It can be used to prevent pregnancy with 99% effectiveness, achieve pregnancy, and as a way to monitor reproductive health.   Managing fertility does not have to be complicated, expensive, or risky.  All you need is knowledge to take control of your own fertility.  Our philosophy is that every woman is entitled to this knowledge and so our work is to provide that to anyone who needs it!   

Client Feedback

“Billings has done more to help us conceive than anything else we tried during the last 2 years.”

“Why have I never heard of this before? Every woman should learn this stuff!”

“It’s just so nice to feel like myself again.” – after switching to the BOM from the Pill


Accredited Instructors

Our Accredited Instructors are located throughout Alberta and are fully trained fertility educators. Instruction in the Billings Ovulation Method® is individualized to meet the unique needs of each person or couple.   The information provided will assist you in every stage of your reproductive life,  to monitor your health and plan your family.    Ongoing education ensures that our Instructors keep their knowledge up to date, in order to maintain their Accreditation.   Instruction is completely confidential.


We provide personalized fertility education and diagnostic support to individuals and couples.   We are happy to provide information sessions for medical professionals, nursing in-services, schools, post-secondary institutions, Marriage Preparation, churches, and fellowship groups.  We also offer training for those who wish to become Accredited Teachers. Use the contact form to subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about upcoming events.

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    How It Works

    A short video that offers an overview of how the Billings Ovulation Method® works

    Upcoming Intro

    Online introductions to the Billings Ovulation Method® are held monthly

    Charting & Apps

    Keeping a daily record is essential.  Chart on paper, online, or on your phone!

    Donate & Sponsor

    Your support makes a difference in the lives of many couples! We can’t keep doing what we do without it

    Head Office

    Natural Family Planning Association (Alberta)
    PO Box 21035
    Lloydminster, AB
    T9V 2S1
    [email protected]

    Non Profit

    We are a non-profit organization promoting and teaching the Billings Ovulation Method® throughout Alberta.

    Online Support

    Instruction available in person or online

    Copyright © 2020 · All Rights Reserved · Natural Family Planning Association (Alberta)