Guidelines for Achieving Pregnancy

wecanhelpFor the best chance of conceiving, time intercourse on days with a slippery sensation and the first day or two past the Peak.  A slippery sensation indicates high fertility.   Ovulation can occur as long as 48 hours after the last day with a slippery sensation (Peak day) and the egg may live up to 24 hours.   Mucus which produces a slippery sensation is most capable of facilitating the transport of sperm to the egg.   In order to recognize the days of optimal fertility, follow these guidelines for achieving pregnancy:

Early Day Rules

1 – Avoid intercourse on days of heavy bleeding during menstruation

2 – Alternate evenings are available for intercourse when a woman’s Basic Infertile Pattern (BIP) is recognized

3 – Once you notice a change from your BIP, abstain from intercourse until you observe the slippery sensation.   A slippery sensation signals that you’re at your most fertile and that ovulation is very close.  Resume having sex while the slippery sensation is present and the vulva feels soft and slightly swollen, and for one or two days after the Peak.

Your accredited Billings Ovulation Method® instructor can help you interpret your individual patterns of fertility and infertility and to correctly apply these guidelines.


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